Cristina Montero Artist and Architect
Degree and master’s degree in Architecture at the University of Girona.
In February 2018 I present the collection Reality, sense, emotion. I started working in this collection in 2015. They are alabaster sculptures of various fragments of human body where you can see different aspects of reality that are present in the world in which we live and which represent what we are and how we are.
In October 2019 I present the collection called Unitat to become aware of the importance of nature together with human being. The need for a balance relationship that act for the common good.
Unitat Collection
In these works you can see unit. The characteristic is the whole of nature and the human beings. Without one of these characteristics it wouldn’t have no sense. They form a link, everything is connected, nothing is self-sufficient. The human being is born on Earth and returns to the ground just like the tree.
Some pieces are based on the real shape of a tree called Sabina, located in Canarias in areas with a lot of wind. It is characterized by having forms almost impossible, even sometimes reaching the ground. Human being and nature must restore a balance, conservation and development relationship that act for the common good.
Reality – Sense – Emotions Collection
A collection inspired in reality, sense and emotions. This collection is about different fragments of human body. It makes emphasis on the eyes through the colour of the iris that catches your sight, the hands represented by tattoos and assimilating as much as possible to the reality. The ear, together with the material, represents the sensations and emotions combined with the message of the tattoo. The bust, with their expressions, generates sentiments of peace, harmony and sensibility.
Alabaster blocks selected with care give textures, colours and transparencies. Aspects of the reality present in the world where we live, represent what we are and how we are.
Video of the opening of the exhitibion at the Hvngari space in Andorra
How to arrange a visit
To arrange visits in my Art Space in the city of Olot, contact through the form or call 682 129 550.